********** Lesson text for dvorak keyboard **********
Lesson #1 Home Row - Left Hand
a o e u i aoeui aoeui i u e oo a ee oo aa iueoa u i u i iu ui ui iu ui a o e u aeiou aeiuo eao eua eo ua oe uo eao uiu eoa eu o aoe ueu aoa oeo eue u uu uiu uiu iui iui iu ui ue eu ao oe uoaae oe aa oo ee uu ii aao ooe eeu uui iiu uue eeo ooa aeiou ae uo ea uo aoa uou eue e a o uou eo oa aoue eoa ueo auoe oe aoe uoa oeu oao eoua eui iui uei oei uie oai eoa uoe ueo ueo eeoa e oa ueo oeu oea ueo aoe ueoa ueo aou ueo ao ueo oeu aeu aou aueo aoe uoa ueo aooe uou eao ueoa ue uu ee aa oeu eoa ueoa uoe ueoa ueao uoe aoeu ueoa ueoe ue oooa eue oae ue ueu oa ou ie ieo ieo eie oei eae iei ao ue I ea ea ei ea ei ea ei ea o ieeao ei
Lesson #2 Home Row - Right Hand
h t n s h t n s s n t h hh tt nn ss hn s- nh h-n hth ntn hnht tnt t h d n t h d h d hh dd hdh hdhd dh dhd hdh s - s - s- s- -s- -s- s-s u i ui ui iui uiu i u ui iui dh hd hdh htn ttdh nth ns tthd htn hdhtn nt hd htn tht dhd tnt ns nth dh s - s- s- -nth- ht ts dtn dht hdh htn nth snt htns nt ht tns nth th st st sn sn snh sh sh htn tsn ht hdh tnss th htn ns htn ns htn hns nht htn snt htn hsn htn snht nnht sn th hth nsn ht hhtt tht nht snh tht nsn htn htnt snth htn htsn th htns nth tnsnh htns nth hn htns nth htn tht nsn hnt snh tnns htnh nnth hnt snht th tnt hnht htn tsnt htn snth htns nht htns n
Lesson #3 Home Row - Both Hands and Shift
hot dot not hat net out I note tote South that eat eaten the The net has he has not seen it no on He has the net She does not It is out dead deed heed suud seat neat sit and eat hde net sea us Does he hate us She has the set not the one Did he send the antennae Hit his nose and hide Hide ten hats Does she need it to hide Shed the ant Stand and so see to the south Send ten donuts Eat the donuts hat sat nat dat hen ten send hint dent tone hide the note hit It is in the shed Send the ant to the house The house is not hidden Hide it and see It is soon so heat the note Stand it to the state Hand it end The end is not seen shed the hand
Lesson #4 Upper Row - Ring Fingers (R ,)
n r n r nr nr rn rn nrn nrn rnr nrn nrn near earn fern southern north rain riot read reason season ray rap tear hear pear year younger rear redder greener gray o , o , , o o, o, ,o o, ,o, o,o o,o Ray reads the right paper, Send the year you go to the southern rest riot, Perry is rotten through and through, Are you sure Randy rode her horse, Get the horse red sugar The red rose turned green after her happy year Here is her The reason her hearing is dead is due to her heart Her heart hurts Do you hear her, Terry is torn, She sent her rare pig to the garage, read it right you are ruderthan her sister, Raise their ferry higher, It is raining dogs, Her partner is the rudest person Your raise is higher after the rags are ripped, Ring the door Four green rugs are far do not fear thier rotten hearts
Lesson #5 Upper Row - Index Fingers (P Y F G)
u p up upu uu pp uup ppu upu pup yep ape pat pan u y u y uy uy yu yu uyu uyu yuy yup yup puy pay say nay shay shay yep hay happy h f h f hf hf fh fh hfh hfh fhf hfh feed fast fashion fate oaf feet fan h g h g hg hg gh gh hgh hgh ghg hgh high sight tight night heating setting gay high gain gas sagging nagging stage Pay at the gate Pat the dog He is happy so feed the pig The pigs go fat if they eat the goat The fat pig and goat pay the dog and fish to feed fast A posey is happy Fishing is funny The gun stays in the doggy house Put it high up so you find it it the foggy fog You go pay fast so they see you put it in Aggy us saying that you put the shaggy dog at the happy hunting hay shed
Lesson #6 Upper Row - The Rest
t c t c tc tc ct ct tct tct ctc ctc can cat con cod core copy dice face e. e. e. e. a' a' a' a' she's they,re Ann's an "A" "Yes" "No" She said. Go face those cops. Carry the cat cans. Trace the car, phone, and pace. "Don't go" said Sid. "It's not right" cried Fran. s l s l s l ss ll sls sls lsl Copy the face and correct it. Pronounce it the correct accent. He can carry the carnations. slip slap loss lost last "List the losses, please" said the girl. Slip it on the lace. I eat coconuts in the car. Cease the chatter. They did not cease the chatter, Care for the canary. Let's see less of that sloppy stuff. It is a sluggish process. The slot is less. Gross, Rate, Fish, Year, Puppy. Let's go see it later. Cut the price of peaches.
Lesson #7 Lower Row - Middle Fingers (J, W)
ej ej tw tw jw jw we we jt jt We We Je Je Jt Jt Wt Wt JW JW was were while went jester Jill just Judy Washington Willy saw sewer I left the jade earring at in the car. Is he in jail? She went to Japan in January; I went to New Jersey in August. "Do you get jet lag?" interrogated the waitress. Joseph juggles in the circus act. Jupiter is a planet. "The play is called the 'Juror'" said Jacinda. Did you pass through Jutland? Dogs waddle, Do you want a waffle; I want a waffle ice. What are his wages? Do you wait, Are you a waiter - Is she wanting to go today. I wander if she is going, I hope she does not go to the war. How do change into the warps - do you possess a war horse?
Lesson #8 Lower Row - Index Fingers (K X B M)
u k u k uk uk ku ku uku uku kuk kuk Click crack kite kiss rake fake lake The kite is at the lake. Do you like lemon cake? Is she kind to little kids? Rake the leaves. She is lucky to take the course. Seek the truth Is that a park? Pack the lucky truck for Karl. Keep the trunk full of fake cargo. I like the park. u x u x u x ux ux xu xu uxu uxu xux Six ax tax fax exit oxygen lox Keep paying for the lox I need oxygen h b h b h b hh bb hb hb hbh hbh bhb bhb bib bribe tribe bad dabble dub bit bite behind butter By the by, it's brittle take the bid. It's bright at the bay.
Lesson #9 Lower Row - Pinky Practice (Z/;:)
a; sz a; sz as as As As :z :z zas zas sa; sa; z;s z;s Some zas; She zes; ;: :; :; raz az: nose zose: zeo saz nat zah; dos zas; nad use: is ez an eo; Zaen Sav Hut Oat; Dino Sazo: zae zis nid neo; Sous ZaZa Sone; To the zoo; Sit at the Dine: eat the asten; She nets the Zas: sonet; Does the rain stop? Do you ride horses? Zeus is an ancient god. This is the list: one dog, a nose, a rag and a stop sign; can you find these things? The zipper goes up; The door opens: it is an old door; Please do not interrupt the Zoo people; Can you see the star? I see the eclipse at night. Loose change - Loose people. Nope no zonep, there is only fish; The lesson is easy; if only you practice.
Lesson #10 Lower Row - Ring Fingers (Q, V)
qo qo vn vn vo vo qn qn qv qv no no quiet queer queen quintet valentine valor valet visiter Vavoom Vacation Wilmer Whitestone The Whitestone bridge is pretty. Valentine's Day is my favorite day. When you travel abroad you need to take vaccines. "She had a pretty veil for her wedding" commented Valerie. Valencia is a beautiful city to visit while on your honeymoon. Have you ever heard of Prince Valiant? She is dressing up as a vampire for Halloween. Vancouver - Washington - Vatican City - Westchester - The vapor is coming out fast. Our theme for this year's show was called "Walkabout." Does she want anything to drink. wasp; wine; whistle; witch If Willy Wilmer had more patience then Wilma can make the Washington soup. Victoria is vulnerable to all of Wilmer's tricks. There are so many volumes of the famous encyclopedia in the Vanzetti library. Rachel is to be the valedictorian for the graduating class. Do you think that vanity is a bad thing? "Yeah" said Loren "I got picked to cheer for the varsity team."
So now that you have learned the entire keyboard you are ready to improve your typing speed. Don't get discouraged if you you are not typing over 40 words per minute right now. This is one of those times where the only way to improve is to continue to practice. You know what they say, "practice makes perfect." Most people find the numbers the most difficult part of mastering typing. This is probably because the number keys are the furthest away from the home row. So let's get a little extra practice in for these hard to reach keys:
In one (1) day you will get two (2) dogs that will cost $350.00 a piece. So the total would be $700.00 for both dogs. But, if you wait three (3) weeks, the cost per dog will decrease to $175.00. This amounts to a saving of 50%! So my #1 recommendation is to wait & have patience - this way you will have money left over to buy something else. What do you think about that idea?